VCAA guidelines stipulate that schools may approve Special Provisions and arrangements for both classroom learning and school-based assessments. Swinburne SSC students may be eligible and can apply for Special Provision due to a range of circumstances. These applications are considered by an Academic Support Panel who can exercise full discretion as to whether or not to grant Special Provisions and to what extent.
Applications for Special Provisions are accessible throughout the entire academic year. Special provisions support schools to ensure that the most appropriate, fair and reasonable options are available for students to demonstrate their capabilities if their learning and assessment programs are impacted.
You have been contacted to assist in identifying special provisions and arrangements that may be necessary or beneficial for your client to manage their individual academic needs. The college would appreciate you taking the time to complete this form so that your client’s application for special provisions can be assessed and actioned as appropriate.
What Special Provision IS:
Special provisions are available for a student who, at any time while studying for the VCE / VCE VM, is adversely affected in a significant way by:
● illness (physical or psychological)
● any factors relating to personal environment
● other serious cause
● an impairment or disability, including a learning disability.
Special provisions at SSSC are separated into Special Provisions for Classroom Learning and School-based Provisions for School Assessment. More information can be found in the SSSC Student Handbook and on the VCAA website.
Typical Special Provisions for Classroom Learning can include:
● Attendance requirement adjustments
● Coursework changes (i.e. substituted tasks and/or modifications)
● Regulation breaks during class (i.e. 10 minutes per 75 minutes class)
● SAC/SAT extensions (no more than 1 week from due date – must be requested in writing prior to the day of the assessment)
● Other arrangements as may be deemed necessary
Typical School-based Provisions for School Assessment can include:
● Rest breaks (10 minutes per 60 minutes of writing time)
● Extra time (10 minutes per 60 minutes of writing time)
● Use of a computer
● Use of electronic headphones (including electronic ear buds)
● Other arrangements as may be deemed necessary
What Special Provision IS NOT:
● An exemption from meeting the requirements for satisfactory completion of the VCE / VCE VM
● An exemption from being assessed against the outcomes for a study
● Special Exam Arrangements (SEA)
Students who believe that they may be eligible for VCAA Special Examination Arrangements should speak to the Leader of Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting or Assistant Principals. This requires a separate application by the school, accompanied by a medical statement and school based evidence forms.