College Tours

At Swinburne Senior Secondary College we understand that making a decision to change schools is complex and often difficult.

You are invited to discover a little bit more about Swinburne Senior Secondary College in a tour with Principal Daryl Bennett.

UPDATED: Monday 15 July 2024

College Tours

Book your place in a small group tour of the college with our Principal Daryl Bennett. Bookings are essential and will run every Friday at 9:00am. Book College Tour>>

College Information Evening

We will be running our annual Information Evening for prospective families to cater for Year 11 and Year 12 enrolments for 2025, where we will discuss the school, our subject offerings and our policies. The College Information Evening will run on Tuesday 20 August at 5:00pm. Bookings are essential [Book Info Evening here]

Swinburne Senior Secondary College Virtual Tour

Click on the video below to watch a short virtual tour of Swinburne Senior Secondary College.

Information Evening for Prospective Students

The 2021 Information Evening was streamed live, thank you to the many families that attended the online event. You can watch the 2021 Information Evening for Prospective Students to learn more about Swinburne Senior Secondary College and hear from Principal Daryl Bennett and our guest speakers.